Destination: Relaxation
So we made it to violin's Lithuania. We enjoyed our stay in Riga but were excited for a change. Its nice traveling in these eastern European countries because the culture is still so rich and yet the city is so cheap. I recommend coming soon before both countries adopt the Euro which is rumored to materialize in about a couple years. So we looked into going to Russia but it seemed like a hastle so we decided to go south to Lithuania. Got a nice cheap ticket and set out. On our way our bus caught on fire....or so it seems. We were awoken from a nap by some burning rubber and some smoke. We pulled over to check things out, we couldn't understand their conversations but to us it didn't seem like they figured out why. But why should that matter? They just kept driving with the windows open. We recognized that we were but 10 mins from the city and the smell and smoke was gone but we were happy to get off. We found a new hostel that had just opened a month or so ago and got a great deal. We lucked out. The place is clean, new, safe, has a big kitchen etc. Its just nice to relax some and enjoy the city more. There are pros and cons to camping all the time. If you camp you can save a lot of money but usually the camp site isn't in the city center and you have to take a bus which means you usually have to be gone all day. It can be cold at night so you have to have good camping gear. Also cooking meals is very difficult with only a little portable stove. Staying in a hostel is nice because you can meat new people, its warm, many times there are kitchens so you can cook your own food. Also if you are lucky and its in the city center you can come home for lunch or relax and go back out at night. But cons are that its not as private, it can be dirty, and its more expensive. I think a good idea is if you are tight on money like us camp when you can, weather permitting etc. And spend a little more every couple weeks and rejuvenate yourself. Well, that's some advice. Now back to our adventures.
So Vilnius Lithuania is a great city. It's more laid back than Riga and the atmosphere is nicer. The people here are less suspicious of outsiders, but the city doesn't have that many tourists yet. We enjoyed our stay here so far and met some great new friends. Our first night we went out drinking with two Americans one from Chicago and one from Philadelphia. It was nice to talk to chat with some Americans. We have also befriended two Canadians who are making their way back from a one year stay in Tokyo, Japan. We have been trying some of their local alcohol. See below for pictures of us trying some of their sweet vodka-like liqueur. We haven't had any traditional Lithuanian food yet but plan to in the next day or so. They have some great looking potato dishes potato pancakes and Zepelinis. We will let you know how they turn out.
Lithuania seems like a very religious city. Not sure it its a national thing or just in this city. They have amazing religious art and an amazing shrine to Mary atop one of their city walls. We plan to go visit the hill of crosses which is about 3 hours away. It seems that Lithuania and Latvia have a great deal of Amber. Jewelry shops are abundant with many different colors and shapes of amber. See below for some great artistic amber pieces.
Amanda and I also had the great pleasure of having our fortunes read by Fawnda one of the Canadians. She uses Romanian tarot cards that are more true to the art of fortune telling. It was quite an interesting experience. They cards are dealt on the table in rows and you have your past present and future sections of the layout. The interpretation is how they are arranged with response to their connection to one another. She explains what they are and then gives her interpretation of what it means. You find in yourself your own analysis. Ours seemed very true to ourselves. While this reading is confidential, I have enclosed a picture of both Amanda's and my card layout. Enjoy. That's all for now...a large hamburger is calling my name...."Seth..please come eat me. I'm so juicy and yummy... "
Now the Pictures:
Our beds in Vilnius:

Valdus the owner and host of the hostel:

Our drink fun:

Amanda not enjoying it:

Me laughing at the taste:

Lisa not enjoying it:

Anthony is trying to enjoy it:

The winner:

Lisa and Anthony having fun:

Us after a few drinks having fun:

Amanda trying some pig ear. Mmmmmm!

We so crazy. I was taking the picture so you cant see our crazyness:

More Amanda drinking. A 5 dollar drink. This is expensive ... most drinks are about a buck.

All of us back at the hostel. Me, Amanda, Lisa, Derrick, Fawnda, and Anthony.

Amanda's and my tarot reading. Amanda on top.

Typical Vilnus Latvia street.

Ode to Mary:

Close up:

A bike for Rick. It was in front of a really neat woodshop:

A neat church:

A really cool amber art piece. Sadly out of our budget:

More amber:

A raccoon for sale in a pet shop....wha!!!????

We leave you with a picture of St. Peter's Cathedral:
So Vilnius Lithuania is a great city. It's more laid back than Riga and the atmosphere is nicer. The people here are less suspicious of outsiders, but the city doesn't have that many tourists yet. We enjoyed our stay here so far and met some great new friends. Our first night we went out drinking with two Americans one from Chicago and one from Philadelphia. It was nice to talk to chat with some Americans. We have also befriended two Canadians who are making their way back from a one year stay in Tokyo, Japan. We have been trying some of their local alcohol. See below for pictures of us trying some of their sweet vodka-like liqueur. We haven't had any traditional Lithuanian food yet but plan to in the next day or so. They have some great looking potato dishes potato pancakes and Zepelinis. We will let you know how they turn out.
Lithuania seems like a very religious city. Not sure it its a national thing or just in this city. They have amazing religious art and an amazing shrine to Mary atop one of their city walls. We plan to go visit the hill of crosses which is about 3 hours away. It seems that Lithuania and Latvia have a great deal of Amber. Jewelry shops are abundant with many different colors and shapes of amber. See below for some great artistic amber pieces.
Amanda and I also had the great pleasure of having our fortunes read by Fawnda one of the Canadians. She uses Romanian tarot cards that are more true to the art of fortune telling. It was quite an interesting experience. They cards are dealt on the table in rows and you have your past present and future sections of the layout. The interpretation is how they are arranged with response to their connection to one another. She explains what they are and then gives her interpretation of what it means. You find in yourself your own analysis. Ours seemed very true to ourselves. While this reading is confidential, I have enclosed a picture of both Amanda's and my card layout. Enjoy. That's all for now...a large hamburger is calling my name...."Seth..please come eat me. I'm so juicy and yummy... "
Now the Pictures:
Our beds in Vilnius:

Valdus the owner and host of the hostel:

Our drink fun:

Amanda not enjoying it:

Me laughing at the taste:

Lisa not enjoying it:

Anthony is trying to enjoy it:

The winner:

Lisa and Anthony having fun:

Us after a few drinks having fun:

Amanda trying some pig ear. Mmmmmm!

We so crazy. I was taking the picture so you cant see our crazyness:

More Amanda drinking. A 5 dollar drink. This is expensive ... most drinks are about a buck.

All of us back at the hostel. Me, Amanda, Lisa, Derrick, Fawnda, and Anthony.

Amanda's and my tarot reading. Amanda on top.

Typical Vilnus Latvia street.

Ode to Mary:

Close up:

A bike for Rick. It was in front of a really neat woodshop:

A neat church:

A really cool amber art piece. Sadly out of our budget:

More amber:

A raccoon for sale in a pet shop....wha!!!????

We leave you with a picture of St. Peter's Cathedral:

Man looks like your having a blast Seth. Glad to know your alright. Makes me wanna save up and go for a trip myself. Keep posting the pictures, thats some good stuff.Didn't know you camp out, that sure is some krazy stuff.I love to go camping every year. Hahah well maximize all your suroundings buddy. Have a great time whever you are. =)
Aloha from Kauai!
Glad you are enjoying your "fling" before entering the "dark ages" of the work world. All okay here. Went fishing and caught a few. Mostly go fishing to get out of the house and for change of pace. Otherwise I'll spend too much time on the computer and "napping".
Take care.
Uncle Sab
poor little raccoon. raccoons are my friends. i'm just not sure i spelled that right. today sucked for me. it was poopy. i like that madonna. i miss the churches in italy and france. i don't really have much to say. i want my tarot read. so it can further tell of how the rest of my life will suck as much as it does right now. two examples of things said to me today that explain why my life sucks:
a) "no, i don't want to hook up with you!!! you're weird and your hair is too short" (this dude...not zak. but it could be zak for all that he said the same things)
b) "so i heard from these girls that kris only said all those mean things to you when he dumped you as a FAVOR because he wanted you to be able to move on because that's what he wanted to do. move on and meet new people. see..he's not an asshole, he was being thoughtful! now you can be friends with him AND move on!!! (my friend johnny)
today sucked. happy indigenous peoples day.
I Liked the Jesus in amber bondage picture. It gave me goose bumps
We have been having fun here. Drinking lots of interesting things. The sweet drinks were horrid. But the beer isnt bad and I had two shots of Lithuanian vodka last night. Await those photos. They are quite good. The amber pice randy that you like i belive is mary not jesus. They are very catholic here and just love their mary. I'm glad dad that you are coming to the baltics its really nice. We went in to many churches yesterday and saw some great religious art at a cultural museum. We went into one church later in the day and they were having a mass that was great. It is the smallest little church and no pews just people standing and bowing and crossing themselves. The priest sand the benidiction and a hidden 4 or 5 harmony choir answered in perfect response. The choir was amazing and the accoustics were perfect. Well we are off for another day of fun.
Ooh, it's all so creepily Dan Brown novel. The churches, I mean.Speaking of Dan Brown, remember when i did that ugly dance pretending to be a velociraptor/Snoop Dogg in Tahoe? I miss you guys. Come home soon.
that was me. your sister. why doesn't it show my name?
Seth and Amanda -
This is Sue, Bonnie's sister.
I have been following your travels and like many others, am VERY jealous.
Sure looks like fun!!
Keep up the diary. It is great to read and see!!
Hello from Hawaii...
Your adventure sounds like fun! We love your blogs... it's like we're right there with you both (sort of). We really love how you are trying all these new foods and seeing whatever the area has to offer. Keep on letting us know what's going on... Take care and stay warm!!
Thanks for all the great comments1
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