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Location: Altadena, California, United States

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Destination: Sexification

So we realized that its very hard for us to go out to nicer places because we can't dress the part. While we have some nicer stuff it is suited for warmer weather. Amanda has a nice dress, I have a short sleve dress shirt, etc. So we decided that we needed to have some nicer clothes. We figured out how we could cut some of our gear to accommodate for different clothes and went out shopping. Its really cheap here in Latvia and we took full advantage of it. Posted below are pictures of our new sexiness. I hope you enjoy. We did. We have had a blast out on the down with our new duds. Also below are some pictures of boots in Riga it took us all of 10 mins to compile these. We got bored so this all you get. Enjoy.

P.S. Amanda has a new friend at our campsite. Mr. Xavier the kitty. See below...

The pictures:

Amanda's new sexy outfit (this is one possible combination) She also has a skirt.

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My new sexy outfit. Notice the European shoes.

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Us together.

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Mr. Xavier.

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Mr. Xavier again.

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The boots:

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And we leave you with Amanda doing laundry. We have a nice room to store our wet laundry all day. Goodie for us.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

brother!!!! i want some boots. are they really that cheap? i want some boots. but i don't want new ones.theni would be supporting the leather. poo. i justgot someboots atthesalvation army. they are very hot and were only 6 dollars. but i want some of those boots!!! me so greedy. i feel like veruca salt. will you get me some of those boots?

3:51 PM  

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