Our European Adventure

My Photo
Location: Altadena, California, United States

Friday, March 17, 2006

Destination: Robot infestation!!

Eat Robots

Well our trip is over. So you know I am not going to update this blog anymore. I have a new blog that will be updated that just cronicles our life at home. You can see it at

or click the picture above. I am also thinking of making a new site for our trip that is organized via a map. It would allow you to click on a country and see the photos and blogs from that place. It would also show you a time line and travel line. Stay tuned...to eatrobots.blogspot.com

Friday, February 17, 2006

The sights and now the sounds!!

Well thanks to Charles I have uploaded some of our videos that we took. There are a few others to come... Enjoy:

From our trip to the highland games:

A 360 at a bar in Lithuania:

A local musician in Poland:

Absinth adventure in Hungary:

Amanda gets drunk in Romania:

Amanda doing her "Goat Dance" in Paris:

Lindsay and Sally do some swing in England: